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Aerospace & Defense, Capability Overview, Custom Engineered Motion Systems, Data Storage, Electronics, Gantries, Gimbals & Optical Mounts, Motion Control Platforms, Precision Manufacturing, Science & Research Institutions, Semiconductor, Stages & Actuators
Capability Overview

Command Shaping

Design Features

  • Increase throughput
  • Faster settle time at the work point
  • No additional sensors required
  • Reduced vibration in point-to-point moves
  • Easy tuning
Figure 1. Drastically improve step and settle performance by using Command Shaping.

Improve Performance

Aerotech’s Command Shaping algorithms improve contouring and move-and-settle performance by modifying the commanded trajectory in order to avoid exciting known vibrational modes in the system.

Product Spotlight

Aerotech’s gantries targeted at pick-and-place applications can benefit greatly from command shaping. Products such as gantry systems offer increased throughput when using this feature, improving production efficiency.

Figure 2. Example of a pick-and-place gantry motion system where Command Shaping is effective at improving throughput.


  • Electronics Manufacturing
  • Semiconductor
  • In vitro diagnostic/DNA sequencing