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Date: 09/04/2024 - 09/06/2024 Learn More
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Enter the activation information that shows in the Activation Request file.
If the request is valid, an Activation Response file is created. Save your Activation Response to the network or the external file storage device.
Save the Activation Response file to a network location or an external storage device such that you will have access to the file from the computer where you installed the software*. If you saved the Activation Response file to an external file-storage device, take the file-storage device with you to this PC.
*Note: You must use Automation1-MDK to activate Automation1-iSMC.
The activation failed. You may have an invalid Activation Request file or may have entered the values incorrectly.
Please try the manual activation procedure again to activate the software. If the problem continues, contact Global Technical Support.