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White Paper

Can you have it all when producing displays?

Travis Schneider
Business Development Manager

A case study examining display production that optimizes quality and throughput – and lower total cost.

An old adage states: Cost, quality, speed — you can have two. This statement addresses the fundamental tradeoffs one often has to make when evaluating purchase options. For example, anyone who has shopped for an automobile knows that a durable, well-constructed vehicle with class-leading 0-60 time often comes at a high price point. This cost/quality/speed balancing act applies to buying most goods, and often the summation of these three characteristics translates to value. Buying decisions usually happen when consumers feel they’re getting good performance and good quality at a reasonable price.

Of course, it’s natural to want it all – performance (often tied to speed or throughput) and quality at the lowest cost possible. This is a significant challenge facing the world of electronics manufacturing. Consumers have become particularly sensitive in seeking high-quality products, demanding higher performance (e.g. higher screen resolution, faster update rates, etc.) while also being cost conscious. In short, they want the best value for their money.

How can a mobile display manufacturing company meet this pressure to deliver the maximum value to customers while keeping manufacturing costs as low as possible? The following case study shows how optimized motion control solutions and superior mechanical hardware design can significantly increase a laser cutting process’s speed and tracking performance. All of this results in a throughput and quality boost that can significantly impact the bottom line of any business cutting precision parts from a glass substrate.

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