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Path 7



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Design Features

  • Solves complex problems such as optical alignments and tool center point programming
  • Enables AeroScriptPlus functionality on each controller you deploy
  • Runs multiple AeroScriptPlus programs simultaneously with a single license
  • Includes complex application specific programming that is ready for use


The Automation1 AeroScriptPlus feature is part of the user-friendly Automation1 motion control platform, which includes the following:

Optical Alignment Algorithms

The AeroScriptPlus Optical Alignment Algorithms execute searches to align power signals for fiber optic, photonic and optical devices. Optical alignment is typically a two-step process: detecting initial power, or finding first light, followed by power optimization. While alignment optimization algorithms not designed to find first light require an initial power signal, algorithms designed to find first light do not. Some algorithms can perform both first light alignment and power optimization. The appropriate algorithm (or combination of algorithms) for your process depends on your application’s parameters.

Tool Center Point Programming

Tool Center Point Programming (TCP) allows you to create motion programs in part coordinates that are independent of the physical machine configuration. TCP is easily accomplished for 3-axis linear Cartesian X/Y/Z systems, as the position of the tool in part space has a fixed offset relative to the machine axes.

When one or more rotary axes are present, the calculation becomes more complex because there is no longer a fixed relationship between part and machine coordinates. The calculation of machine coordinates from part coordinates requires the application of a rotation matrix.

Automation1 is capable of transforming part coordinates into machine coordinates in real time for actuators with up to six degrees of freedom (three linear, three rotary).

Optical Alignment Algorithms

Line Search 1D First Light or
The Line Search function is used to search
along one degree of freedom for a local
power peak or a defined power threshold.
This algorithm can perform a complete scan
of a defined 1D area and return to the point
of maximum (or minimum) power, or it can
be configured to terminate motion and remain
in place upon reaching a user-defined
power threshold.
Spiral Search 2D First Light or
The Spiral Search function is used to search
along two degrees of freedom for a local
power peak or a defined power threshold.
This algorithm can perform a complete scan
of a defined circular 2D area and return to the
point of maximum (or minimum) power, or it
can be configured to terminate motion and
remain in place upon reaching a user-defined
power threshold.
Gradient Search 2D 2D Optimization The Gradient Search 2D function is used
to optimize the position of two degrees of
freedom for maximum (or minimum) power
after first light has been found. After an initial
signal is identified, this algorithm uses an
iterative optimization method to descend
along the gradient to a local minimum and
stop when a user-defined power threshold
is reached.

Tool Centerpoint Programming

TCP Machine Tool
Standards exist in the machine tool industry for
associating linear and rotary axes and defining positive
move directions of all axes. Adhering to these standards
removes uncertainty when anticipating how machine
axes will move in response to motion commanded in part

The positive move directions and the orientation of the
axes in the Part coordinate system are defined per the
right hand rule as shown to the right. The left hand image
is for positive linear convention and the right hand image
is for positive angular convention.
TCP Machine Tool Standards Rotation occurs about a part linear axis per the
relationship shown in the figure to the right. When TCP is
active, the A axis rotates the tool center point about the
part X axis, the B axis rotates the tool center point about
the part Y axis and the C axis rotates the tool center point
about the Z axis.
Machine Configuration To perform TCP kinematic calculations, the controller must know the locations of the tool, part and rotary axes and the configuration of the rotary axes.

Offset Position Configuration
A common approach to establishing machine configuration is to specify offsets between the points of rotation of the rotary axes and the location of the tool and
the part. This configuration mode accommodates the input of coordinates based on their distances from the Part or Tool Tip they are connected to.

Absolute Position Configuration
Another common approach is using the absolute positions of all system elements based on their location in a “World” coordinate frame.
Acceleration Limiting The CoordinatedAccelLimit parameter will stop or slow down path velocity for non-tangent linear moves. The DependentCoordinatedAccelLimit parameter will stop or slow down program velocity for non-tangent rotary axis

Note: The effect of changing speed on the machining process may prevent the use of Acceleration limiting in applications which require constant surface speed.
Commanded Velocity
A low pass IIR filter (TrajectoryIIRFilter) or moving
average FIR filter (TrajectoryFIRFilter) can be applied
to the velocity command of the virtual and/or physical
axes. The filter is applied continuously and will modify the
program path by rounding all of the transitions between
moves, even those that do not exhibit large accelerations.

The positions of the linear servo axes are calculated
from the virtual x/y/z axes and the servo rotary axis
commanded positions. Similar filter settings should be
applied to both virtual x/y/z and physical A/B/C axes to
ensure consistent phasing of commanded position used
to calculate the servo X/Y/Z positions.

Note: Applying a filter to the servo rotary A/B/C axes and
servo X/Y/Z axes will cause the servo X/Y/Z axes to lag behind the servo rotary axis position command.
Path Optimization Lead on/lead off moves or “skywriting” is commonly used
in X/Y applications to ensure the tool is only engaged in
the material at constant speed. The calculation of lead
moves or skywriting sequences is more complex on 3D
shapes as the inserted path geometry cannot cause
a collision between the part and the tool. Normally the
process consists of a lead-off and lead-on move inserted
between two nontangent features. The tool is turned off
before the lead-off at constant surface speed. The path
velocity decelerates to 0 during the lead off move. The
controller moves to the start of the lead-on move, which is
tangent to the next path segment and the system reaches
constant speed during the lead-on move and enable the
tool at the end of the lead-on move.


Ordering Information


Compiled AeroScript Library File


Option Description
-F1 Optical Alignment Algorithms, Compiled AeroScript Library File
-F2 Tool Center Point Programming, Compiled AeroScript Library File
  1. To load and run AeroScriptPlus files on your controller, your Automation1-iSMC motion controller must be configured with the -AP1 option.

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